John Nagle replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 6 months ago
We already have the ability for anybody to easily and cheaply communicate with anybody willing to talk to them, anywhere, at any time. Pictures, even. That’s become intrusive. Telepathy where the sender didn’t control the traffic would be even more intrusive. That would lead to thought monitoring. Telepathy where the receiver didn’t control the…[Read more]
John Nagle replied to the topic Google's Mad Scientist Island in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 10 years, 6 months ago
Google’s purchase of several advanced robotics companies is worrisome. Every few years, Google decides to “put more wood behind fewer arrows”, and kills off major projects. They bought Motorola and killed it off. They might do that to Boston Dynamics and Schaft.Those outfits are a long way from commercial profitability. All those smart people can…[Read more]
John Nagle replied to the topic Is a moonbase the killer app for 3D printing? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 6 months ago
In the 1980s, Feigenbaum (a forgotten expert systems prof at Stanford) was talking about building a lunar base using robots by the year 2000. My comment was “How soon can you do it in Arizona?” He didn’t like that. I have the same comment here: “How soon can you do it in Arizona?”
We still can’t build a building entirely with robots. let alone…[Read more]
John Nagle became a registered member 10 years, 6 months ago