Brian Merz
@BDMerz Active 10 years, 2 months ago-
Brian Merz's profile was updated 10 years, 6 months ago
Brian Merz replied to the topic Let's talk about brains! in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 6 months ago
The following two topics would correspond to Erik’s 3<sup>rd</sup> point, amplification. Though both of these are first steps with limited effects, not quite of titanic proportions. I think the real issue may come down to how our brains develop, it doesn’t help to put more juice into a circuit that is not equipped to make use of it, so more amp…[Read more]
Brian Merz wrote a new post 10 years, 6 months ago
I would like to see more green fiction. In some of the stories that I have attempted, the current “green” fad has matured into genuine policy level cultural priority and established business practice, as well as a […]
Brian Merz replied to the topic Urban sustainability in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for steering this post back towards its origin and great links as well.
Since i first posted this topic i have come across a number of examples of urban adaptions to improve the integration between nature, sustainability and urban systems but, alas, i do not have links with me now.
Trying to return to the forum during my summer break i…[Read more]
Brian Merz replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Rudy, your explanation of your concept of ‘qwet’ communication put me in mind of thinking about ourselves and perhaps all living beings, and to a lesser degree all matter, as a complex arrangement of fields. it is akin to ancient mystic concepts and a modern physic’s way of seeing the world. all matter is just a state that has properties and…[Read more]
Brian Merz replied to the topic Create a Planet Seeding Kit or Kits in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Start with one bucky dome and blister out like ring worm on the face of a new colony planet. Good ideas.
with futuristic concepts of self-healing smart materials and nano assembly materials and a few more sustainable and fantastic scientific advances i think it is possible… in theory. could test it on the moon. We just need to tackle the…[Read more]
Brian Merz replied to the topic Synthetic Biology – Cyanobacteria Fueling Your Car and PROMPT in the Conversation Inspiration 11 years, 9 months ago
wow, thanks for bringing this to my attention. there are so many innovations in this green fuel field that it is difficult to keep up. i have been working on a story featuring these kinds of tech for a long time.
here are some other interesting resources:
Sapphire Energy Algae farms in the New Mexico desert
Solazyme won a contract to produce…[
Brian Merz posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago
@ninky i double posted on the topic Lets talk about Brains, i thought that i had deleted the first one but it is still there. it is rather long to begin with, can you get it out or tell me how to, thanks.
Brian Merz replied to the topic Let's talk about brains! in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Asking me my thoughts on brains, how meta. I find the research fascinating and the changes in conceptualizing the brain within my lifetime awes me. I remember as child being told the same old neural legends, ‘we only use 10% of our brains’ or ‘at 20 years your brain is set in stone’ and so many more that are now proven not only to be untrue…[Read more]
Brian Merz started the topic Biological Computing in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
News stories such as this, Researchers Make DNA Data Storage a Reality and others from researchers a Stanford show that we can store data in DNA format. Likewise DNA reading technology is growing ever cheaper.
Is there a time when we might be dealing with biological computers? Will they be synthetic living creatures or computer cases full of…[Read more]
Brian Merz replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Rudy, your post is very stimulating. It is almost as if it has placed thoughts in my head but also triggered others, as I have thought a great deal about this and other neurological futures.
Your point about communication being a form of telepathy is one that I like, I first found it spelled out in that way in Stephen Kings book On Writing,…[Read more]
Brian Merz commented on the post, Farm Hack 11 years, 11 months ago
I think that for dense urban areas the roof-top and vertical farms can be of moderate benefit. For more sprawled cities public fruit groves and wild edible patches can provide seasonal food sources.
Another […]
Brian Merz changed their profile picture 11 years, 11 months ago
Brian Merz replied to the topic Urban sustainability in the Conversation Big Ideas 12 years, 2 months ago
Matt: I think you are rather focused on your rally point. i don’t dispute that things need to change, but our discussions here are about new ideas and about letting them run to their furthest and wildest extremes […]
Brian Merz started the topic Urban sustainability in the Conversation Big Ideas 12 years, 3 months ago
I would like to see more green fiction.
In some of the stories that i have attempted, the current ‘green’ fad has matured into genuine policy level cultural priority and established business practice, as well as a staple concern of urban planning.
How can we make our cities more sustainable?
Make urban areas coexist with the natural…[Read more]