Atmosphæra Incognita
What if we could build a tower so tall that the stratosphere was just an elevator ride away? An ambitious tech entrepreneur constructs a 20 kilometer tall tower that jump-starts the defunct U.S. steel industry, houses the First Bar in Space, reveals novel methods for generating renewable energy, and encounters the most exotic wind and weather phenomena the Earth has to offer.
Structural Design of the Tall Tower
Written by Keith HjelmstadThe challenge of building tall structures has lured people like me into the profession of structural engineering for a long time. Managing our gravitational well in order to elevate usable space above the surface of the Earth is harder than it looks. And it’s not just gravity holding us down. The ebbs and flows of […]
eVolo Skyscraper Competition
eVolo, an architecture and design journal, sponsors the annual Skyscraper Competition, challenging architects, students, engineers, designers, and artists to share their best ideas for the future of skyscrapers. The winning entries advance new technological solutions, engage deeply with sustainability, and present breathtaking imaginative and innovative concepts.
Building a space elevator starts with a lunar elevator by 2020
Gizmag’s Eric Mack reports on Liftport, a Kickstarter-funded project to create an elevator connecting the Moon to the Earth.
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