Biographical information


Turil Cronburg


40 something year old female teacher, artist, philosopher, and memetic gardener who’s discovered a map of the future, based on evolution and the natural flow of systems. Yes, really.

Previous Works

Prime Directive Earth – a bottom-up, emergent, evolutionary government architecture

The Wise Turtle – Living Philosophy

Dragonfly: Prosthetic Goddess of an Awkward Idealist – novel aimed at inspiring college age folks to create a better future through sharing and collaborating

Speaking Up for Little People – children’s book encouraging kids to use storytelling to deal with their emotional challenges in life


Best known for

Maslow 2.0 – an updating of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for the 21st century


artist, teacher, philosopher, memetic gardener

Story Ideas and Burning Questions

Promote the science-based ideas of Prime Directive Earth and Maslow 2.0 in education (both academic and more freeflowing situations), so that humans have a better, more resilient, and more intelligent option for approaching government, work, the economy, and even personal relationships.