Terry Cox joined the group
Post-Scarcity Economy and United Earth future visions 6 years ago
Terry Cox replied to the topic Idea: Project Hieroglyph and Future of Life Institute's 'Future of AI' research in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 8 months ago
AI researchers are familiar with a paradox: as soon as an AI system is released as a product, it’s no longer AI. It even has a name, the “AI effect.”
Most of the cutting-edge AI research today deal with machine learning and big data. One particular topic, deep machine learning, seems very promising in that it can work on many if not most of t…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic Turning the IPCC report into SciFi in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 10 months ago
One way to think about this is to separate the report itself from the uses of the report by individuals and groups with various agendas. It’s fair to say that the very existence of the IPCC is political, and AR5 certainly present a conclusion that the planet’s climate system is warming in response to increased levels of greenhouse gases, large…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic Idea: Project Hieroglyph and Future of Life Institute's 'Future of AI' research in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 12 months ago
Marvin Minsky famously asked what it would mean if the only way to make computers much smarter is to make them ore self-conscious. If that were so, which is the less dangerous: a smart self-aware computers, or dumber computers?
I’ll side with intelligence, whether human or machine, over ign…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 12 months ago
Education is shifting from a push model to a pull model. MOOCs are an example of this (and associated changes in tradional universities are one example. An even more striking one is cell phone access to education of any sort in parts of the world that never knew it.
The radical changes relate to lowering or eliminating the costs of e…[Read more]
Terry Cox started the topic A Hieroglyph Award in the Conversation Inspiration 10 years, 2 months ago
I’d like to make a modest proposal: How about an annual SF award for a work of speculative fiction which embodies the spirit of Hieroglyph, and which follows Neal’s three rules?
If, as Dr. Crow stated, “It’s the science fiction writers that should help us dream better dreams”, what better way than to incentivize those kinds of dreams?
Terry Cox replied to the topic Interesting Atlantic article about refractory corporate cultures in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 10 years, 4 months ago
McArdle’s article mentions Hannan and Freeman’s book Organizational Ecology and discusses the idea of ‘selection for stability’, that is, that (once) successful businesses evolve to support the status quo.
I’m minded of Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy Iron Law of Bureaucracy. Perhaps ‘selection for stability’ explains why those dedicated…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic Harford's "Galapagan Isolation" in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 10 years, 4 months ago
Memes cross-pollinate and produce new memes, and Richard Dawkins has written about how natural selection applies to ideas. Harford’s isolated ecosystems concept makes perfect sense in regard to memes, and two examples come to mind:
In the late eleventh century, all glassblowers in Venice were forced to relocate to the islands of Murano since g…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic What will we do all day? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for an interesting topic.
Affluence is the product of many factors, of which technical progress is certainly at the top, but also there’s education, abundance of resources, institutional structure. You could argue that these are also types of technical progress.
The age of affluence is already upon us: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi…[Read more]
Terry Cox started the topic A Conventional Path to Cheaper LEO in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 4 months ago
What thwarts our loftiest space dreams- vacationing on satellites, colonization of the moon and Mars, or mining asteroids- is that big first step, getting to low-earth orbit. It’s just too bleeding expensive. I’d like to start a discussion about what can really be done to fix the cost problem.
It currently costs about $10,000 per kilogram to…[Read more]
Terry Cox replied to the topic Can technology help make mass protest more effective? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 4 months ago
Viewed as an experiment, current events in Hong Kong may provide some answers.
Terry Cox replied to the topic It's the 21st Century. Where's My Fusion Reactor? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 4 months ago
Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works is developing it. 🙂
Terry Cox replied to the topic What to do with it: conventional launch from top in the Conversation Tall Tower 10 years, 5 months ago
The paper (“High Altitude Launch for a Practical SSTO”) describes a doubling of payload mass compared to a ground-launched SSTO. The propellant launch fraction resulting in that improvement doesn’t go down by more than a few percent, though, so it looks to me like you’d have to pump a lot of fuel to the top of the tower. That and what to do with…[Read more]
Terry Cox changed their profile picture 10 years, 5 months ago
Terry Cox joined the group
Getting Started – New User Forum 10 years, 5 months ago