Ben Sibelman replied to the topic Longer than lifetime projects in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years ago
In case people are still watching this thread: I started a new thread about whether religions can help motivate big, long-term projects, and would love it if you could provide your perspectives.
Ben Sibelman started the topic The role of religion as motive in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 10 years, 1 month ago
My favorite Big Ideas are the kind that extend far into the future: terraforming planets, interstellar colonization, building new kinds of civilization. This is why I recently joined the Long Now Foundation (having intended to do so for years, but there was never any reason to hurry…) and it’s also why I’m involved in a tiny quasi-religious…[Read more]
Ben Sibelman replied to the topic Making a 2312-style hollow asteroid in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 3 months ago
John Edds, you’re right of course–turning cubic miles of rock into empty space in years rather than millennia is not a job for microbes. But you brought up one of the most important next steps in the process: making soil. Say we’ve hollowed out the interior and it’s just a bare rock face. We could keep using machines a while longer, as suggested…[Read more]
Ben Sibelman replied to the topic Making a 2312-style hollow asteroid in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 3 months ago
C M Weller, you make some good points. Unfortunately, my plot ideas (which have been under development for way too long, since well before Project Hieroglyph started) don’t work well with the idea of building a shell from chunks of the asteroid surface, fascinating as that would be (though I could mention it as a common technique used elsewhere in…[Read more]
Ben Sibelman replied to the topic Making a 2312-style hollow asteroid in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 3 months ago
Dr. Landis, I’m honored by your contribution to my first Hieroglyph discussion thread. I have a partial solution to the strength problem because my asteroid will only spin fast enough to produce a quarter-G, but I want it to be 5 or 6 km in interior diameter, to give room for a cloud layer. I was also thinking of having large support columns, also…[Read more]
Ben Sibelman started the topic Inspiring new space-colony game project in the Conversation Inspiration 10 years, 3 months ago
I’m writing to alert the Hieroglyph community about a new computer game project that could help popularize the idea of space travel and space colonies, perhaps even more effectively than the movie Interstellar, and with a more optimistic and ecological bent. It’s called High Frontier, it looks really cool, and while “designed first and foremost to…[Read more]
Ben Sibelman started the topic Making a 2312-style hollow asteroid in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 3 months ago
One of my favorite Big Ideas, the concept of a hollow asteroid with living ecosystems inside, was perhaps best described by Kim Stanley Robinson in his recent novel 2312. I’m currently working on writing a novel centered around one such asteroid.
The first interesting question about such a place is how you would manage to mine out so much…[Read more]
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Ben Sibelman became a registered member 10 years, 4 months ago