Biographical information


Pascal Barré


I am an inventor at heart, but at 17 I’ve began to work on a sci-fi movie, eager to create a REAL sci-fi project. So I end up working on it for more than 22 years, as I had to study 27 different scientific fields to understand the inner workings of our world before projecting it into the future, through predictive sciences.
For this, I lived in China for 4 years and works with some of the best scientists in the world in Paleontology. I accumulated a collection of over 10000 fossils from around the world, ranging from 440 million to 40000 year ago. Many of them are now residing in Natural history museums around the world, including West Palm Beach, Berkeley, McGill Red Path, London, Germany and many more.
Understanding evolution is the only way to project this reality into a believable future…

Previous Works

Eons Of Tears, Xbox RPG’s for Evillusion
Suns of Man, feature sci-fi movie
Hellraiser Origins Pilot Teaser
Productor, Writer at Undine Productions
Owner of Undine Productions



Best known for

Problem solving and World creation…
I collaborate with Paul Gerrard, the concept artist behind Battle: LA and Wrath of the Titans to create credible character concepts for my project and the creation of his pilot project, Hellraiser Origins.
I love “meshing” various emerging technologies to create environments, mechs, vehicles (land, air, water) and even characters (see my avatar, made out of soft robotics, plasmonics and optogenetics (P.s: the inner details are coming from a patient bone marrow suffering from osteoporosis).
Notions of 3D Studio Max 9 (invention modelization)


Producer and Inventor

Story Ideas and Burning Questions

A Team of fringe scientists succeeds to extract the first virus fossil DNA…
The third energetic revolution of Mankind…
Humanity, the 6th Kingdom of Life…

Ask me your questions about Human evolution and predictive sciences.
You can’t project your audience into the future if you can’t project our current world into a credible one.