Pascal Barré replied to the topic Educating Ender: students and the black swan cyberscape of the future in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 4 months ago
Today we have 2 types of technologies, one that is considered tools for surviving the hostilities of our true and Natural environment(s) and a second who is used to feed a man made system growth.
One type is a tool for our evolution as a specie, the other a tool for the evolution of individuals within a man made structure.
As such, only one type…[
Pascal Barré replied to the topic becoming more human in the Conversation Inspiration 9 years, 4 months ago
Your assumptions are completely surrealist. If you take into accounts that’s since the origins of Life, 99.9% of all species that ever existed are now gone, it’s easy to see that our fate is unlikely to reside in the .1% considering that without our manmade system, our specie wouldn’t thrive in the wild that we destroyed. For instance, for most…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 11 months ago
If you want a true education system, I think Montesory is the best our society can hope for… It based its learning on experiences rather than forcing memorization. My daughter is educated in Shanghai, as such she finish schools at 3pm but finish her homeworks at around 10pm. And this mainly because she’s clever, as her friends can finish way…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic How hackable is the human brain? in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 11 months ago
You should ask Intel about this… They are working on brain gates to connect smartphone into the brain…
https://money.cnn.com/2012/05/03/technology/smartphone-in-your-brain/index.htm -
Pascal Barré replied to the topic becoming more human in the Conversation Inspiration 9 years, 11 months ago
Not realistic… This is realistic, sadly:
https://www.undineproductions.com/blog/is-humanity-condemned-to-extinction/ -
Pascal Barré started the topic Is Humanity Condemned to Extinction? in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 11 months ago
I ask this because, the way I see it, Humanity have succeeded to frame Nature within a predictive frame called system (or society) that is now reaching global scale with its economic Globalization. Such system based on predictions feeds on Earth resources in a way that is unsustainable.
Because, lets face it, Human evolution within a manmade…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Can creativity be taught (or learned)? in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for your response. I also think that innovation can be learn… But not in the expected scholar curriculum. Mainly because school is a form of mold for the mind. As such its had the tendency to limit Human potentials by measuring it. While in fact, Human potentials is unlimited in scopes.
As such, I invite you to read that little…[Read more] -
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 12 months ago
@Garrett, sadly, Humanity must learn some necessary lessons… We have embraced our creative potentials by disregarding its destructive effects on Earth. Now we are beginning to pay a price, but not a real price, because its induced by our monolithic system and culture which prize possessions and progression in stability. As such, we are now…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 12 months ago
@Garrett, more regulations won’t make Life a better place to be. The Chinese learn more than 3000 years ago, with their I-Ching book that changes we’re the only constant of our Universe. As such it might be more dangerous to mankind to believe that we can control Natural changes than actually not controlling it… Mainly because Nature exist at…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Can creativity be taught (or learned)? in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 12 months ago
In essence Annette, what you say is that peoples that don’t fear failures are more likely to think outside the box… Well, that’s exactly what Google think.
https://www.cio.com.au/article/437231/don_t_fear_failure_innovation_google/But creativity is much more than that, its a mindset where one learn to think by himself, instead of letting the…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years ago
As for society, its a man-made system that has less and less anything to do with Life as we used to know it. Even if that system gives us the illusion that we control Life, its not true and will never be true. Because of that education shouldn’t be based on the Human made system, but rather on Life itself, like it was in the past…
I say this…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years ago
We can’t hope for Humanity better future if we base our educations on the knowledge of those before us. But we can raise critical thinkers and for this, we don’t need to re-imagine society, unless your education system is made to prepare students for the workplace instead of for Life.
As such the best way to teach will always be through…[Read more] -
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Idea: Project Hieroglyph and Future of Life Institute's 'Future of AI' research in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years ago
The only good AI is a non sentient one. Mainly because Humanity has yet to unfold his true potentials and secondly because there aren’t any good reasons to create it. Because Human creative potentials is unlimited and only equal to its destructive one… So any sentient AI or Singularity as they call it, created will become a destructive force as…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Let's talk about brains! in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years ago
Well, considering that neurological science just begin to map the brain live functions, we still have a long way to go before understanding it…
Mainly because the brain is more than the sum of its parts. This for many reasons, first the brain glial cells roles in cognitive skills just begins to be studied, second, each neurons, now appear to…[Read more] -
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Can creativity be taught (or learned)? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years ago
Its quite easy to increase someone level of creativity, but first that person needs to understand that creativity is a mindset. This said, creativity is the ability to do links that don’t seems related with the goal of achieving a desired result. Creativity is therefore a mode of expression, one that has the potential to free ones mind from all…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic ''INTERSTELLAR'' is a silly, ridiculous sci fi movie that could have been cli fi in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 4 months ago
You are missing the point in Interstellar. It ain’t an escapist but lack the evidences to claim otherwise. The reality is that our specie has NOTHING to do with the rest of Life on Earth. Our creative and destructive potentials, both being unlimited, unlike the other species, we are the only one able to master our evolution.
Its because since the…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic The Lunar Space Elevator and my documentary about it! in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
I think this project is interesting to understand the mechanics behind such technology, as the tether will likely behave like a wipe at some point and will therefore be submitted to stress way beyond the counterweight.
But I agree that such technology has a great future and should be presented as such to arise interests. Already Japan invest more…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 5 months ago
Hi Zach,
Sadly I don’t believe that Humanity will find a sustainable way to reign it on our unlimited creative and destructive potentials. This potential being responsible for pacing the changes done on our planet. Truth being told, there’s just so much that our planet can take before its too late for us… As such its not really the climate that…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 5 months ago
This climate engineering is a distraction from reality. Mainly because for this we would need to understand everything that there is to understand about the climate mechanisms. But because we can’t even predict well the weather for the next few days, we can’t really succeed in creating a just and valid simulation model to test any climate…[Read more]
Pascal Barré replied to the topic The Future of Energy in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
The orientation of your arguments are wrong. Fossil fuels can’t be replaced by green energy, as those represents the second energetic revolution, responsible for the rate of developments in our society and responsible in big parts of the globalization process our world has undertake.
Oil isn’t a mere source of energy, its a creative and…[Read more]
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