Rudy Rucker replied to the topic What happens when our products know what we're thinking? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 6 months ago
Last year I wrote a story about the topic of how things will be when things can read our minds. It’s called “Apricot Lane,” and you can read it for free online in my Complete Stories, see
https://www.rudyrucker.com/transrealbooks/completestories/#_Toc71Basically what happens is that you get charged tolls for everything you do! Walking on a…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker wrote a new post 10 years, 6 months ago
(Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2005)
Pages 333-335
Language begins when social creatures actively communicate information to their fellows. A bee returning to the hive from a flower field does a waggle dance to […]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 6 months ago
Seeing the published Hieroglyph this week, I realize that the version of my story printed in the book does not include the ending that I’d intended to add on, and that the editors had approved. The new ending got lost in the not-so-high-tech shuffle of putting the physical book together, and I should have noticed this in time, but I didn’t. S…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker wrote a new post 10 years, 6 months ago
I want to start a thread about telepathy, treating it as a potentially feasible future technology. One route in this direction might involve electromagnetic waves emanating from your brain. Another route could […]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 8 months ago
Giulio, I think you can use quantum entanglement for telepathy with one caveat: you can’t remember the contents of the communication, otherwise you get Faster Than Light communication. Nick Herbert calls this an “oblivious link,” and it plays a role in my novel in progress THE BIG AHA.
Brian, that’s a good point to remember, that is, thinking…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Brenda, I’m catching up on my responses on this thread today. I got to meet Ramez Naam last month at an event organized by the Institute for the Future. Great guy. The telepathy enhancing nanoparticles sound pretty reasonable. Generally I tend to think “biotech” whenever people say “nanotech,” that is I think Nature is already doing molecular…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Brian, sorry not to have responded to your long comment earlier. I see that you’re also thinking about the non-magical, fairly near-future types of telepathy-like brain-to-brain communication. I’m interested by your remark about possible difficulties in the last step, that is, the thought to signal and signal to thought steps.
The easy way is…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Yes, Giulio, it’s reasonable to imagine having a wireless hook-up from brain to something like a telephone, and this would indeed be a kind of telepathy. I’ve written about such devices in several of my novels—I call it an uvvy (pronounced soft, like lovey-dovey). The uvvy is a bit of piezoplastic that parks on the back of your neck. Wireless…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Alex, I agree. In fact, one might argue that any person obviously has telekinisis since they can stare at their hand, will it to rise, and … it rises. But making a pebble rise is harder. We need a better interface to the mind of a rock, I guess.
Rudy Rucker replied to the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
I’ve been circling around and around some ideas that I want to use in a story, “Quantum Telepathy,” that will be part of my next novel, The Big Aha. I’m going to say some more about nature of mind and the possibility of telepathy.
Open your (inner) eyes to your true mental life. Your state of mind can evolve in two kinds of ways that I’ll fa…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker changed their profile picture 11 years, 10 months ago
Rudy Rucker started the topic Telepathy in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 10 months ago
I want to start a thread about telepathy, treating it as a potentially feasible future technology. One route in this direction might involve electromagnetic waves emanating from your brain. Another route could involve quantum entanglement. In order to set the stage in this inital post, I’ll quote a passage on language and telepathy from my no…[Read more]
Rudy Rucker became a registered member 11 years, 10 months ago