Seth F. started the topic A question of Goals in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 6 months ago
I have been thinking a lot about techno optimism and I keep running into one problem that I have trouble seeing a way around. Jack Kerouac said it very well when he wrote “Whither goest thou America, in thy shiny car in the night?”
What I take that to mean is that technology is a tool. Or rather it is the collection of tools. What te…[Read more]
Seth F. replied to the topic How can technology change the way we teach and learn? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 6 months ago
First, just a smidge about me: I am a former high school teacher and the creator of the world’s first gamified tutoring company.
Anyway, as I read this story (actually I listen to it as an audiobook, because it easier with me and my ADHD) I realized that I know of a really good forum for discussing and addressing these ideas that is already…[Read more]
Seth F. became a registered member 10 years, 6 months ago