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  • #3155
    Matthew Harbowy

    For those of you who might be interested in the practicalities of GM food and its usefulness to vegan diets, I would like to point everyone at

    This is a project I am helping to fund and has a few vegans on the team. While the veganosity might be sniffed at by some, this is synthetic dna produced from elementary building blocks, cloned (in a number of steps) into yeast, and “brewed” like beer. The cheese can be produced from synthetic dna copying the casein proteins of any mammal, from cows to narwhals to humans.

    no animals, and certainly no animal suffering (if you don’t count lab techs), is involved.

    I would be happy to answer any questions here, or if you’d like to meet me or members of the team, feel free to drop by

    in the SF Bay Area.

    -best regards,

    Matt Harbowy

    @hbergeronx – also at gmail

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