mburnamf wrote a new post 10 years, 6 months ago
It’d be nice to start with a clean slate, without the pressure to make everything make work with existing systems, conform to building codes, or have to make money or sense this year. But I think that such a […]
mburnamf started the topic Google's Mad Scientist Island in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 11 years, 10 months ago
Google’s I/O 2013 conference was yesterday, and the tech journalistic consensus is trickling in. In terms of specific product launches, there’s nothing with the “wow” factor of last year’s Google Glass, but according Lance Ulhoff, “Google’s worldview is finally coming into focus. The tenuous threads that connect these dozens of different ap…[Read more]
mburnamf wrote a new post 12 years, 12 months ago
mburnamf started the topic Report from EMERGE in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 13 years ago
Last week, ASU hosted the EMERGE conference. I was there, along with Ed and Neal, and these are my impressions.
There’s a lot there, but I want to bring out a few key […]
mburnamf started the topic Working on the Tower in the Conversation Tall Tower 13 years ago
You’ve all seen this image of steel workers eating their lunch, feet dangling in air hundreds of feet above New York City. The Empire State Building is only 450m […]
mburnamf started the topic Ten Books in the Conversation Inspiration 13 years ago
Hello everybody! Ed asked me to put together a list of books relevant to the project. This is my totally idiosyncratic list of books that I think are cool, and I welcome your input. See anything you like? See […]