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  • #3716
    Ben Mulvey

    I’m much more worried about what humans will do with A.I. & how they might program any harmful algorithms that any Terminator self-sentience scenario.

    I often come across the idea of mind uploading & modelling the human brain in silicon – often people straightaway assume such a model would have consciousness & that there would straightaway be two copies of the person being modelled.

    I’m sure much of human intelligence will be modelled & bettered in silicon (or it’s predecessors) – but stop & think, in this scenario – we are still very much left with the ‘hard problem of consciousness’.

    Minute to minute my consciousness is something more than my brain.  The touch of human skin makes me remember a line from a Charles Bukowski poem, that makes me feel sad, but a glance at sunlight through a windows changes that emotion to hope.  Coffee & sugar change me again, not to mention a host of other chemicals & hormones in my blood that have been acting on me all day, I could go on ….

    No modeled brain in silicon or indeed no constructed AI – that is JUST a model of our intelligence could be anything like this – or anything like a human.

    A.I. will be what we build it to be.

    More than anything we should look to our previous efforts with weapons & how we have handled this issue as a guide to our future.  Our ability to limit the use of nuclear, biological & chemical weapons, should give us hope.

    But we should be clearer about the danger.  It’s not Terminator we should fear, but ourselves.




    Ben Mulvey

    I’ve been fascinated by technology and futurology since my teens.  A copy of Alvin Toffler’s “FutureShock” I stumbled across in the library started that off.  Over the years writers & thinkers like Ray Kurzweil, Stanislaw Lem, Eric Drexler, Robert Anton Wilson, William Gibson & Kevin Kelly have helped grow & deepen this fascination.

    We have so much changing now & so much more accelerating change just ahead of us and I find myself frustrated with most people’s lack of imagination when it comes to dealing with all of this.

    I help moderate a group on Reddit –  r/futurology – which is a busy place (by default anyone who signs up to Reddit gets it as one of their default subscriptions & that’s currently over 3.5 million people subscribed & potentially exposed to it), but even there the lack of imagination & foreknowledge is telling.

    The marriage of nano-tech & 3d printing, the decentralization of currencies, augmenting of humans both physically & intellectually – many, many potentials are there – opportunities & challenges, just waiting to be grasped.

    But their stories are not being told.  I’m attracted to Hieroglyph as this seems a place where people who recognize this challenge are meeting and planning.

    Me too!



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