Biographical information


Lee Konstantinou


I write stuff.

I wrote the novel “Pop Apocalypse” and co-edited (with Sam Cohen) “The Legacy of David Foster Wallace.”

I recently completed a literary history of irony called “Cool Characters: Irony, Counterculture, and American Fiction from Hip to Occupy.” It’ll be published one of these years.

My writing has appeared in places like “The American Prospect,” “boundary 2,” “io9,” “The Iowa Review,” “Twentieth-Century Literature,” “The Believer,” and the “Los Angeles Review of Books.”

I’m an assistant professor in the English Department at the University of Maryland, College Park, where I teach classes on post-’45 U.S. fiction, science fiction, comics, and other contemporary things.

I live in Washington, DC.

Previous Works

“Pop Apocalypse” (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2009) is a political satire set in a near-future world of total distributed realtime surveillance and powerful video search.

People mostly use this awesome and frightening technology to follow their favorite celebrities, who now list their names on the New York Reputations Exchange (among other reputation stock markets).

When Eliot R. Vanderthorpe Jr., heir to the Omni Science search engine fortune, lists his name on the NYRE, hilarity and apocalypse ensue.

“The Legacy of David Foster Wallace” (University of Iowa Press, 2012) is a collection of essays by critics and fiction writers reflecting on the significance of the life and writing of David Foster Wallace.



Writer, English Professor

Story Ideas and Burning Questions

I’m currently revising a novel about the future of journalism called “The Posthumans,” and I’m writing the first draft of a YA novel about economic inequality.