Heath Rezabek
@heath-rezabek Active 9 years, 1 month ago-
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Idea: Project Hieroglyph and Future of Life Institute's 'Future of AI' research in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 8 months ago
An article and a follow-up thought. First, Bruce’s thoughts: that before generalized AI can spin up, the specialized functions will be spun off as products:
Zed –
Reaching this goal is inevitable, just as the development of nuclear technology…
Heath Rezabek started the topic Idea: Project Hieroglyph and Future of Life Institute's 'Future of AI' research in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 1 month ago
While I don’t have the capacity or scale to pursue this opportunity myself, you (collectively) do. I can’t get the idea out of my mind, so I’m posting here for posterity: this one goes out to all you Project Hieroglyph researchers. Also, I’m tagging Bruce as a potential advocate or (at least) a sympathetic ear to such an idea, and Neal as…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek's profile was updated 10 years, 1 month ago
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 4 months ago
Well, the Turkey City Writer’s Workshop last week gave much food for thought when it comes to the current fictional form of this work, and how well or how poorly I’m conveying the themes of very long term archival within that work. As might be guessed, that kernel is buried too deeply and obscurely, and it’s time for some excision.
I’m quite…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 6 months ago
I’m excited to say that the JBIS (Journal of the British Interplanetary Society) preprint for my coauthored paper of last August is at last up on academia.edu —
(Xrisk 101): Existential Risk for Interstellar Advocates
This paper presents an evolution of my work on the concept of very long term archives, post-Long Now Internship, and begins work…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Charles Stross discusses Capital in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 8 months ago
Geoffrey –
I saw recent mention of this piece at CityLab — https://www.citylab.com/tech/2014/07/the-surprisingly-strong-case-for-colonizing-venus/373560/ — and was glad to see your work mentioned in the coverage.
I am sometimes surprised that Venus is so often passed over. Sure, its challenges are formidable. But it’s far closer in distance…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic The Fermi Project in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 8 months ago
It seems that one direction to go with this would be towards the model of Bracewell probes — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracewell_probe — and as an idea, it deserves a solid spot in Project Hieroglyph’s conversation, agreed.
Problems to do with yielding Friendly AI — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_artificial_intelligence — would be…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 9 months ago
Alan –
Thanks for these thoughts. In light of them, I thought you might enjoy (attached) one of the renderings to come in an upcoming article in the Journal for the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS). It’s of a Lunar Vessel, much as you suggest. In this rendering, surrounding the physical plant are solar power facilities.
My hunch is that…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 11 months ago
In April’s installment on Centauri Dreams, my continuing design fiction series on very long term archival’s unexpected potential glances at three powerful design concepts, two of which are fairly related.
The two related approaches are concepts for long-term habitats (and communities are a form of archival, as each animal or plant is a living…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Anybody want to help/join with the Coopernation's Bucky challenge? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 11 months ago
I can empathize with your struggle. It does remain the case that, even once one has cultivated a growing network, getting traction with any one particular approach takes tremendous, sustained effort, simply because everyone you’ve worked to connect with is laser-focused on the approaches they themselves care most about already. (This is…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic restoring the ocean's ecosystems in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 11 months ago
It can be argued that natural selection will take care of itself, and is in that way impossible to set back. But biodiversity is its own reward, and carries with it many generations of debugging. So I agree with Will on this; to balk at preserving biodiversity is an ethical error as well as a strategic one, in terms of its impact on the future…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years ago
For March, my design fiction series on Centauri Dreams takes a turn towards the psychological and mythopoetic. Might the construction of mentoring and assistive artificial intelligence be facilitated by the creation of comprehensive archives on our deepest mythic structures, symbols, and mythemes?
Woven Light: Augmented Dreamstate
Here I circle…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic restoring the ocean's ecosystems in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years ago
Because of the time likely needed to piece together solutions to the many problems driving oceanic extinction rates, it seems prudent to focus some attention on backing up the biosphere while we, as a species, struggle to survive puberty.
This approach is suggested in Gregory Benford’s 1992 paper Saving the Library of Life, though his focus there…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek started the topic Emerge 2014? in the Conversation Questionspace 11 years, 1 month ago
This question is ephemeral in nature, but I think this may be the only appropriate place to ask it. I’m assuming that Project Hieroglyph and the Emerge 2014: Carnival of the Future event are linked through the Center for Science & the Imagination.
I’m pondering coming up from Austin to participate (have some family ties in the area) and am…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 1 month ago
This month’s update on Centauri Dreams extrapolates the potential of a comprehensive archive into the far future, with an advanced Vessel serving as the nervous system of an ambient artificial intelligence whose body is a starship.
These fictional excursions are helping to paint the potential extending from the concept of truly resilient, r…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek commented on the post, Featured Conversation: Deep Archives 11 years, 1 month ago
By the way, I really appreciated the shout out to this thread in the bulletin. Beyond any interest on my own part, I think the question is only going to grow in relevance.
I wondered what might be a next […]
Heath Rezabek started the topic They. (A design [fan]fiction for Her.) in the Conversation Inspiration 11 years, 1 month ago
Spike Jonze’s Her is shaping up to be an interesting kerfluffle of a movie. It’s a bit of a blender, but by virtue of definitely not being ‘hard sci-fi’, it’s left itself open to interpretation in a very useful way. I’ve read any number of reviews, even mainstream reviews, which in addition to the standard coverage, manage to latch onto some t…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 3 months ago
Monthly Update: This month’s Centauri Dreams post on very long term archives takes a turn towards the fictional, as I try my hand at design fiction based upon an envisioned discovery of some key holographic data storage and representation technologies, and the synchronicities leading to them. I open with a brief summary of design fiction and a…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 4 months ago
By way of update, my next Centauri Dreams guest post on this proposal has gone live. This installment covers a lot of ground, from feedback on the prior draft architectural forms for possible vessels to redundant and resilient dedicated power sources and hardening installation power against contingencies. It also begins to sketch out a design…[Read more]
Heath Rezabek replied to the topic Very Long Term Archival of the Cultural, Scientific, and Biological Record in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 5 months ago
Bruce, it’s great to have your voice in the mix; actually, a 1992 speech you gave at a library conference (LITA San Francisco), in which you mentioned the notion of “deep archival” at the end, was an early inspiration for me. https://goo.gl/xwX36p
Geoffrey, I share some skepticism over the very-long-term resilience of most things we can…[Read more]
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