Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 12 months ago
@Pascal Thanks, I agree that we need to be wary of our approaches to dealing with nature in general, but human action has already affected the climate, and the simple actions I’m suggesting (mandated lawn mulching and white roofs on buildings) can mitigate those changes somewhat. Even if we only offset the greenhouse gas emissions in North…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic Climate Engineering Scenarios that don't involve 100% Disaster in the Conversation Questionspace 9 years, 12 months ago
Hi all, I’ve been giving thought to the same issues you’ve been discussing here, and identified some less drastic actions that can help slow down climate change. I posted them on the “Big Idea” board rather than here because I don’t think they qualify as geo-engineering, and also because the biggest obstacle is enacting local public policy change.…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra joined the group
Climate Engineering Scenarios 9 years, 12 months ago
Garrett Calcaterra's profile was updated 9 years, 12 months ago
Garrett Calcaterra started the topic Combatting Global Warming with Simple Local Legislation in the Conversation Big Ideas 9 years, 12 months ago
Like most people who are informed and concerned about global warming, I’m frustrated with the lack of meaningful progress on the global political front to curb greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy immediately, but there might be some workarounds at the local level. In fact, research shows that we can put a significant dent i…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic SF and Climate Change in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 9 months ago
@Daniel, it’s good to see you here. Thanks for being such a proponent for cli-fi and sci-fi authors alike.
@Will, it sounds like you’re teeming with ideas. I haven’t gotten a chance to check out your website yet, but I will soon. I’m on a deadline for my new fantasy novel, so I’m pretty absorbed with finishing up that first draft for the m…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic SF and Climate Change in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 9 months ago
Thank you, Will. I’ve asked myself the same question you posed and, sadly, don’t have a good answer. Or rather, I don’t think there is any one right answer.
I was on a panel a few months ago at FOGcon, called “Do Pessimists Dream of Dystopian Sheep?” and I found I had little in the way of big ideas and optimism to give the audience when…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic SF and Climate Change in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 9 months ago
Sorry to be so long-winded, but after stepping away from my computer I realized I failed to articulate one important aspect of the whole climate change issue.
In 2010 I spent a month performing air testing on a clean-up barge in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the emergency response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. I’m from California, but…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra replied to the topic SF and Climate Change in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 9 months ago
Kathryn, thanks so much for sharing my article here. I hope the rest of the Hieroglyph community will get a chance to read it and weigh in. My goal in writing the piece was not to level undue criticism toward the science-fiction field or Project Hieroglyph, but rather to voice a sense of urgency for dealing with climate change. With each passing…[Read more]
Garrett Calcaterra changed their profile picture 11 years, 9 months ago