• Creating positive visions of the future requires knowledge of resources and how to assemble and use them in constructive and creative ways. So … the best way of looking at the elements of “knowledge” and “imagination” is not with the question of which is “more important” — but rather “how to use the best of both”.

    As far as the “components n…[Read more]

  • First of all, there is a difference between “can a person’s creativity be improved ?” and “can it be taught and learned ?” Secondly, it’s important to perceive creativity mostly as “basic problem solving” rather than “artistic ability.” (For example: Thomas Edison was a “problem solver” not an “artist.”) Creativity is most often the ability to…[Read more]

  • As we travel full speed ahead into the bold new world of the future, we can’t help but look back at the past and say goodbye to a bygone era in which man perceived that the fate of the world was in the hands of supernatural gods and goddesses. In contrast, as we look forward, the future is one in which the fate of the world rests squarely in the…[Read more]



    As we travel full speed ahead into the bold new world of the future, we can’t help but look back at the past and say goodbye to a bygone era in which man perceived that the fate of the world was in the hands of supernatural gods and goddesses. In contrast, as we look forward, the future is one in which the fate of the world rests squarely in…[Read more]

  • Carrie,

    Speaking for myself, I greatly appreciate good conversation and substantive inputs by others. I have frankly been disappointed that more members of the project don’t have more to say or offer much in the way of interesting ideas about the future (especially if they are prospective writers).

    This project offers a great forum for people…[Read more]

  • Thank you so much, Randal, for bringing this fine essay to our attention.

    What Asimov says has much merit. We need to know more about “creativity” and what facilitates it. It has been my experience that most people who talk about it don’t know much about it — and usually do little things that actually undermine and constrict it (such as p…[Read more]

  • Thanks for joining the conversation, Carrie.

    There is the common misconception that a clear difference exists between what is “natural” and what is “man-made,” and that the two of them are somehow alien to each other. A change of perception is needed. If man is part of nature, then what man does and what man creates can reasonably be considered…[Read more]

  • Hi, Chris,

    Always good to year from you.

    Yes … there’s room for all types of Science Fiction. The question is whether or not there is much chance that the members of Project Hieroglyph can fill the void which requires optimistic and uplifting stories. As I alluded to, I think the real void begins with writers not having an underlying…[Read more]

  • The reality is that the future is one in which we will have more people than we have jobs !!! (Correction: this is already the case). This is why we need to be thinking of how to reduce overall population and educate people better for what few jobs do exist. In addition to replacing human labor with machines and technology, there will be a major…[Read more]

  • Fellow member Christopher Hellstrom makes a good point when he suggests that no longer having a monoculture makes it more difficult to “think big” in terms of utilizing just a few huge networks to mobilize a large audience to “get big things done.” But the reality is that getting big things done may in fact best begin by “thinking small.”

    Let me…[Read more]

  • Brant,

    I appreciate that you are well-intentioned, but the best approach in dealing with people who are into some kind of pathetic power play between men and women is not to “accommodate” their neurosis but rather to “put a stop to it.” Instead of devising some complicated technology which enables some subliminal sensors to appease each other’s…[Read more]

  • Elizabeth,

    The situation you describe with Jubal is similar to what is reportedly said by Spock in one of the Star Trek movies. (See image.)

    It appears that you have a good sensibility regarding religion.

    200 years may seem like a short time for a major shift in philosophical thinking, but then you need to recognize that the conditions of…[Read more]

  • John,

    In response to your question — and prior to it — I knew nothing about “extropianism.” After looking into it, it appears that the goals are too generalized (e.g. what does perpetual progress mean ?). Optimism is fine, but if there is no clear vision and implementation strategies regarding intended outcomes, then optimism is just wel…[Read more]

  • Yes, Thor, with man now in the driver’s seat and at the helm for establishing direction in the future and for giving “meaning” to life, there is always the danger of individuals coming up with nonsense. To counteract this, more attention needs to be paid to individuals developing well-thought-out concepts to fill the “god-sized hole.” That’s why…[Read more]

  • John,

    Thanks for your thoughts on this matter.

    It is a common mistake for people to believe that “religion” requires a belief in some form of god or supernatural power or supreme being. The truth is that it does not. Buddhism doesn’t have a god nor do Buddhists believe in a supernatural being. Likewise, most members of the…[Read more]

  • 200 years from now, will religion still exist ? or will it be so implausible as to be obsolete and non-existent ? If it is still around, will it be a source of total conflict (as it is now) ? or can it be handled differently ? If it still exists, will it be theistic ? or will it be science based and humanistic ? Will there be an empty void ? ……[Read more]

  • Weller

    As a point of clarification and finality, I don’t challenge everyone who joins the conversation — just those who totally misinterpret a legitimate proposal regarding a better form of birth control as (1) either some sinister attempt to turn a genuine human concern into some pathetic “power play” of men vs. women, or (2) some attempt to s…[Read more]

  • Weller,

    Thinking about the future shouldn’t require that we do everything in the most complicated and most expensive way possible — especially if we are trying to create technology that can actually be implemented. (Remember … that’s what Project Hieroglyph is supposed to be about.) “Wrinkles make for better stories ” (your quote) but they d…[Read more]

  • Iga

    Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. I’m familiar with the male anatomy but not the female anatomy (at least in terms of birth control). With the male anatomy, manual access is available when the valve is in the scrotum. With the female anatomy, I don’t know if manual access is feasible. I suspect that the physiology is more internal and…[Read more]

  • Iga,

    Really ? You really think this whole issue is about a “power struggle between men and women ?” That’s quite an insight. And I suppose all the other issues regarding how to use technology and what family relations and community relations and education boil down to whether the men or the women are more powerful. And I suppose the solution is…[Read more]

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