Conversation Replies Created
November 11, 2014 at 5:49 am #3260
daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantPascal, I loved your comment and let’s see where things go. All POV welcome in my neck of the woods, yours too. Here is news of solarpunk movement and AP story on cli fi:
Adam Flynn, in a recent post on the Heiroglyph website — wrote, “We’re solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.”
I love it, great genre term! Go with it. We need all the poz energy we can get on these issues. But cli fi is also poz in its genesis and future. see here
AP wire story worldwide link here wire story
October 31, 2014 at 8:24 pm #3248daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantWell, John, I like your comments and this is a very interesting conversation and I hope more people here join in. I have an open mind about all this, so I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks. — danny
October 31, 2014 at 6:37 pm #3245daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantUPDATE: See and read carefully. Wired reporter in Los Angeles Scott Thill’s very good ”CLI FI IS REAL” essay at Huffington Post this week, it is the most important post-sci fi esssay of the 21st century: Here link:
October 31, 2014 at 6:35 pm #3244daniel halevi bloom
Participant@John Edds above, good comment and I see what you mean re
”Everyone has heard of global warming. It’s on TV everyday.” ‘….We get it, and we’re working on it. Solar power is almost as inexpensive as fossil fuels, and it will be cheaper than them in a few years. We’re going to solve this.”
and yes, as you say “Nolan is trying to inspire interest in human spaceflight again, a thirst for adventure out there that we sorely need.”
Also a good point, IF WE WERE NOT IN THE DIRE STRAITS humankind is in now today 2014 re AGW and climate impacts events coming down the road. John, we are at war. This is war. This is for the continued existence of the human species more than 30 generations down the road. Enough of this sci fi BS! Sorry I love sci fi and grew up with Asimov, Clarke, Verne etc, but John we are at war. We do not have to leave this planet, and we do not have to waste money on space flights to nowhere. IHMO. And i respect your POV, too. BUT….
see Scott Thill’s very good CLI FI IS REAL essay at Huffington Post this year, it is the most important post-sci fi esssay of the 21st century: Here link:
Tell what you think/feel after reading Thill’s ideas and thoughts!
Danny in Taiwan
October 15, 2014 at 6:11 pm #3176daniel halevi bloom
Participantwait till you read this 1922 news cli fi novel — earliest cli fi novel 1922! – Karel Čapek Energies: The Absolute at Large as Proto-*Cli*-*Fi* Lit 15, 2014 at 6:10 pm #3175daniel halevi bloom
Participantearliest cli fi novel 1922! – Karel Čapek Energies: The Absolute at Large as Proto-*Cli*-*Fi* Lit 15, 2014 at 6:07 pm #3174daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantWait till you read this, everyone! Andy at Luther College unearthed this one from 1922 — earliest cli fi novel 1922! – Karel Čapek Energies: The Absolute at Large as Proto-*Cli*-*Fi* Lit 13, 2014 at 6:06 am #3161daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantKathryn and Brenda and Garrett and all: I love the new collection and the Guardian review by Damien Walter was good but… major reservation and i hope the second collection in 2016 or whenever can include much more focus on cli fi and here’s why: This anthology is a very good and well curated collection and bravo to the two editors and the contributors. I wish there had been more emphasis on climate-themed and global warming stories, as sci fi can also go in that direction and should do it more, so hope the second anthology that is curated later will include some good cli fi stories too. I am surprised nobody in the reviews here has mentioned the mushrooming new genre of ”cli fi” which a platform for novelists and short story writers and film directors to use for climate-themed novels or movies. Google “cli fi” or see the wikipendia entry if you have not heard of it yet. It is not your grandfather’s sci fi, it is an entirely new genre of literature and cinema and it is going to leave sci fi in the dust. We all need to focus on climate change issues now, even sci fi writers and I hope they come over, or, write hybrid sci fi/cli fi novels and stories. While this first collection is good and timely it could have been much better by including science fiction or clience fiction stories about climate change and global warming directly. Sci fi needs to face the realities humankind is facing now and it is my hope that the editors will point the second collection in this direction of cli fi, although of course they can still call the stories sci fi. the genre label is not important. the content of the stories is. Time to face reality. It will make the second collection much better than this tired collection of same old same old. Bruce Sterling knows what I am talking about. As does David Brin and Kim Stanley Robinson. Kathryn? Ed Finn? ALSO: IT IS MY HOPE that someday some savvy edgy editors and curators like Kathryn and Ed will arise within the cli fi world and set up a similar type of anthology of cli fi short stories, curated by academics and published in connection with a major university maybe even ASU but in a different department. I think there are academics preparing to do such a thing right now: hint hint. SMILE
October 13, 2014 at 6:00 am #3160daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantEric see this: I wish the second collection of sci fi stories for the anthology will have more emphasis on climate-themed and global warming stories, as sci fi can also go in that direction and should do it more, so hope the second anthology that is curated later will include some good cli fi stories too. I am surprised nobody in the reviews here has mentioned the mushrooming new genre of ”cli fi” which a platform for novelists and short story writers and film directors to use for climate-themed novels or movies. Cli fi is not your grandfather’s sci fi, it is an entirely new genre of literature and cinema and it is going to leave sci fi in the dust. We all need to focus on climate change issues now, even sci fi writers and I hope they come over, or, write hybrid sci fi/cli fi novels and stories. While this first collection is good and timely it could have been much better by including science fiction or clience fiction stories about climate change and global warming directly. Sci fi needs to face the realities humankind is facing now and it is my hope that the editors will point the second collection in this direction of cli fi, although of course they can still call the stories sci fi. the genre label is not important. the content of the stories is. Time to face reality. It will make the second collection much better than this tired collection of same old same old.
October 13, 2014 at 5:49 am #3158daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantThis anthology is a very good and well curated collection and bravo to the two editors and the contributors. I wish there had been more emphasis on climate-themed and global warming stories, as sci fi can also go in that direction and should do it more, so hope the second anthology that is curated later will include some good cli fi stories too. I am surprised nobody in the reviews here has mentioned the mushrooming new genre of ”cli fi” which a platform for novelists and short story writers and film directors to use for climate-themed novels or movies. Google “cli fi” or see the wikipendia entry if you have not heard of it yet. It is not your grandfather’s sci fi, it is an entirely new genre of literature and cinema and it is going to leave sci fi in the dust. We all need to focus on climate change issues now, even sci fi writers and I hope they come over, or, write hybrid sci fi/cli fi novels and stories. While this first collection is good and timely it could have been much better by including science fiction or clience fiction stories about climate change and global warming directly. Sci fi needs to face the realities humankind is facing now and it is my hope that the editors will point the second collection in this direction of cli fi, although of course they can still call the stories sci fi. the genre label is not important. the content of the stories is. Time to face reality. It will make the second collection much better than this tired collection of same old same old. Come on guys, you can do better than this and i am counting on u to do better in the second anthology.
October 13, 2014 at 5:46 am #3157daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantThe Hieroglyph anthology is a very good and well curated collection and bravo to the two editors and the contributors. I wish there had been more emphasis on climate-themed and global warming stories, as sci fi can also go in that direction and should do it more, so hope the second anthology that is curated later will include some good cli fi stories too. I am surprised nobody in the comments here about climate engineering scenarios has mentioned the mushrooming new genre of ”cli fi” which a platform for novelists and short story writers and film directors to use for climate-themed novels or movies. Google “cli fi” or see the wikipendia entry if you have not heard of it yet. It is not your grandfather’s sci fi, it is an entirely new genre of literature and cinema and it is going to leave sci fi in the dust. We all need to focus on climate change issues now, even sci fi writers and I hope they come over, or, write hybrid sci fi/cli fi novels and stories. While this first collection is good and timely it could have been much better by including science fiction or clience fiction stories about climate change and global warming directly. Sci fi needs to face the realities humankind is facing now and it is my hope that the editors will point the second collection in this direction of cli fi, although of course they can still call the stories sci fi. the genre label is not important. the content of the stories is. Time to face reality. It will make the second collection much better than this tired collection of same old same old. Come on guys, you can do better than this and i am counting on u to do better in the second anthology.
September 1, 2014 at 9:55 pm #2699daniel halevi bloom
Cli fi (or “cli-fi”) is a genre term for novels and movies based around the themes of climate change and global warming. It takes its name as a shortening of <b>cli</b>mate <b>fi</b>ction, much as science fiction is often shortened to “sci-fi”. While the two genres share some features in common and can both be regarded as part of the broader category of speculative fiction, they are separate genres. Cli-fi novels and films are often set in either the present or the near or distant future, but they can also be set in the past. Many cli-fi movies and novels raise awareness about the major threats that climate change and global warming present to life on Earth.
September 1, 2014 at 9:42 pm #2698daniel halevi bloom
Participantand Erik see here:
Can Cli Fi Save the World?
July 29 issue
September 1, 2014 at 9:42 pm #2697daniel halevi bloom
ParticipantErik, good question, and other people will have equally interesting
answers too. For now, here is my quick reply: see my answers in CAPS
re “Dan, can you fill me in a little bit on what characterizes or
BUT CLI FI. Does the driving tension come from attempts to resist
NOT STOP AGW. What about the rise of technology to create and
manipulate micro-climates? INTERESTNG THEME, YES TELL ME MORE!
……..I’m having a hard time seeing how it is broad and deep enough
to bear up as a genre instead of a niche within an existing genre.
BETTER.July 28, 2014 at 8:57 pm #2468daniel halevi bloom
Participantbtw, good chat here on video between Elizabeth Kolbert and Nataniel Rich on these issues sci fi and cli fi and climate journaisl, one hour show.
Over the last half billion years, there have been five major mass extinctions when the diversity of life on Earth suddenly and dramatically contracted. Scientists are currently monitoring the sixth extinction, predicted to be the most devastating since the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.This time around, we are the asteroid.
Elizabeth Kolbert offers a startling look at the mass extinction currently unfolding before our eyes in The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, and in conversation with Nathaniel Rich, whose novel Odds Against Tomorrow is a philosophically searching inquiry into our greatest fears about the future.
Nathaniel Rich is the author of two novels, Odds Against Tomorrow andThe Mayor’s Tongue. His essays and journalism appear regularly in The New York Review of Books, Harper’s, the Atlantic, and The New York Times Magazine, where he is a contributing writer. Rich lives in New Orleans.
Elizabeth Kolbert is a staff writer at The New Yorker. She is the author of Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change. She lives in Williamstown, Massachusetts, with her husband and children.
LIVE from the NYPL is made possible with generous support from Celeste Bartos, Mahnaz Ispahani Bartos and Adam Bartos, and the Margaret and Herman Sokol Public Education Endowment Fund.