Biography |
C M Weller has decided to keep their full identity a secret until such time as one of their works becomes a bestseller. They share a house in Burpengary East with two children, a cat, and a spouse who sometimes thinks they’re insane.
Unfortunately, this author has managed to avoid doing all the things that make author bios interesting reading. Sorry.
This writer is allergic to almost all forms of alcohol (long story), too asthmatic to indulge in tobacco, and in possession of a body chemistry that makes the more interesting drugs problematic at best. Thusly, their chief addiction is their own imagination.
And sugar. Lots and lots of sugar.
Previous Works |
The Hevun’s Child trilogy, One Year of Instants, and sundry short stories
Best known for |
A daily, off-the-cuff short story inspired by prompts from readers. Viewable for free on their tumblr
Story Ideas and Burning Questions |
The basic premise of my pet universe is that humans, as a species, are insane. Therefore, the aliens must make saner decisions than the human race. This can be a bit problematic, since I am allegedly human.
What sort of society would result from making sensible decisions about everything?