C M Weller replied to the topic Making a 2312-style hollow asteroid in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 3 months ago
Asteroids are weird, when compared to the cohesive wholes of planets. There’s the rocks, which may have dubious integrity, depending on their origin. Then you have the rubble asteroids that are basically balls of dirt that decided to hang out together. And lastly, you have the solid iron lumps.
As far as structural integrity’s concerned, bank on…[Read more]
C M Weller started the topic Artificial leaves: can they solve Greenhouse Issues? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
Julian Melchiorri has made an artificial leaf out of silk protein and algae: https://www.dezeen.com/2014/07/25/movie-silk-leaf-first-man-made-synthetic-biological-leaf-space-travel/
I’d love to hear pros *and* cons about this one. On one hand, it’s going to help absorb a lot of carbon dioxide before it gets to be a problem [and even after it…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic Seasteading … done properly 😉 in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
I just ran some numbers and vertical farming is going to have to be the way to go. Assuming a stable population of five hundred[Minimum population necessary for long-term thinking], each needing four acres of flat farm, you’d wind up with an internal radius of about two kilometres. Just for growing food.
Obviously, farming need not be defined as…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic Seasteading … done properly 😉 in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
Have you heard of styrofoam concrete? It’s where they make concrete with styrofoam replacing the rocks. It’s light, cheap and flexible, and may just have the extra buoyancy you’d need for this kind of project.
The other alternative would be using pumice stone in your concrete mix… but the disadvantage with pumice is that it erodes very easily.…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic Would a "vasectomy valve" change the world ? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
Well, if you want to be completely accurate, your ‘valve’ already exists: https://www.newmalecontraception.org/risug/ [with the bonus that it also destroys STD’s]
As it stands, it’s day surgery and not easily switched back and forth, but one can imagine an implanted shunt to perform the honours and an attachable ‘on’ or ‘off’ syringe.
The hue…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic Would a "vasectomy valve" change the world ? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
Here’s one question: Why must there be manual control at all?
It’s the future. We can do what we want.
It would be just as easy to posit a fertility control with neural links integrated into the brains and senses of those who have it. Perhaps with some variety of transhumanist visual cue… All you’d need is a passphrase and to read and mentally…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic Would a "vasectomy valve" change the world ? in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
1) Men already use sex to enforce power
2) Men also already use reproduction to enforce power
3) Men already fake using protection because it “feels better” without giving a fig for their partnerA vasectomy valve would only make things more difficult for those on the wrong end of the power dynamic. [eg: “He said he had his reproduction turned…[Read more]
C M Weller started the topic It's Only a Paper Moon Colony in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 5 months ago
I read two interesting subjects on Slashdot a while ago which I’ll summarise here:
1) Scientists have found a way to create a substance similar to or stronger than steel out of cellulose
2) Other scientists have discovered miniature ‘magnetic shields’ occurring naturally on the moon
Naturally, I conflated these two into the cool idea I used for…[Read more]
C M Weller started the topic Gengineered Superfood? Cloned meat? in the Conversation
But what will we eat? 10 years, 5 months ago
Genetic engineering is already here, even if it is currently evil (coughMonsantocough) but when we get out into space, we won’t exactly have access to a lot of fertile soil.
[I think about things way too much, and colonising neighbouring planetary bodies is going to be one of our goals]
Our two closest targets – the moon and Mars – don’t show…[Read more]
C M Weller replied to the topic How does one put one’s picture in one’s profile? in the Conversation
Getting Started – New User Forum 10 years, 5 months ago
[For those who are lost, of course. I see you’ve figured it out 🙂 ]
Go to your Profile page and, on the left hand side of your profile, there should be a number of little links. Just below the main, grey bar, there’s a “Change Avatar” link which enables you to -guess what?- change your profile picture. It can be anything you like, especially if…[Read more]
C M Weller joined the group
But what will we eat? 10 years, 5 months ago
C M Weller joined the group
Getting Started – New User Forum 10 years, 5 months ago
C M Weller changed their profile picture 10 years, 5 months ago
C M Weller became a registered member 10 years, 5 months ago