Biographical information


Dr Paul Dougan


CEO of Scotia Exploration Ltd (
CEO of Diamond Global Trading & Investments Ltd (
Senior Lecturer in Oil & Gas Engineering at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Senior Lecturer in Exploration Geosciences at the University of the West of Scotland, UK

Previous Works

Currently editing a book on Scottish renewable energy policy to be published by Palgrave MacMillan shortly after the Scottish Independence Referendum.

Published numerous articles in the field of law, including in The Times (London) and The Barrister in the UK.

For my sins I had a career change and retrained as a lawyer here in the UK. Still use those skills but have returned to my first love – Science!


Best known for

Turning my hand to everything (or at least thinking I can) and being a typical CEO.

The guy that managed to escape a tenured post in academia (I saw the light but that’s not the whole story).



Story Ideas and Burning Questions

Renewable energy in the future particularly ‘nuclear-type’ alternatives.