Biographical information


Brenda Cooper


Brenda is a technology professional, a science fiction writer and a futurist.

Brenda’s short fiction has appeared in Nature, Analog, Asimov’s, Strange Horizons, The Salal Review, and multiple anthologies. Brenda’s most recent novel is The Creative Fire, from Pyr.

As a futurist, she has worked with Glen Hiemstra for over ten years. Brenda gives talks about the future, technology, and writing. She blogs regularly at and periodically guest-blogs at and other venues. Brenda is a member of the Futurist Board for the Lifeboat Foundation.

As a technology professional, Brenda started out in Aerospace, where she worked on some of the early efforts to apply knowledge engineering to the field. She is currently CIO of the City of Kirkland, Washington.

Brenda was educated at California State University, Fullerton, where she earned a BA in Management Information Systems. She lives in Bellevue, Washington with her partner, Toni Cramer, Toni’s daughter Katie, and two dogs. She has an adult son, David Cooper, a firefighter/paramedic with Cowlitz 2 Fire and Rescue.

Previous Works

The Creative Fire, Pyr
Mayan December, Prime
The Silver Ship and the Sea, Tor
Reading the Wind, Tor
Wings of Creation, Tor
Building Harlequin’s Moon, with Larry Niven, Tor

Numerous short works: details can be found on my website

I am also currently working on a blog series called “Backing into Eden.” I will be delivering a talk based on that at the World Future Society this year, and plan to turn the content into a short eBook.


Best known for

Science fiction writings


Writer, Futurist, and Chief Information Officer for the City of Kirkland

Story Ideas and Burning Questions

For this project, I’m most interested in science that relates to my Backing into Eden talks and blog series. The basic concept is that we’re coming full circle to our own western creation myths. If we are going to survive the pressures on the planet now (including but not limited to changes in the atmosphere) we need to take far better care of the garden of Earth. It would already be challenging to find any place that no one claims ownership of. If we own all of the land and much of the sea, how do we do a better job of managing it? If we’ve disrupted natural systems so far that we are at the beginning of a mass extinction event, how do we get to systems that work? I believe we have or will have the science and engineering knowledge. In fact, we’ll probably have choices to make based on a plethora of ideas. How do we choose? How do we manage risk? What social changes are necessary to pull off the big project of being more efficient with the resources we have while encouraging prosperity?
I am also interested in getting to space (arean’t we all?) and in creating habitats either by terraforming or by building them.