Brenda Cooper
@brendacooper Active 10 years, 4 months ago-
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Can drones be the sunshine to banish poaching and other crimes out of the shadows? in the Conversation Questionspace 10 years, 6 months ago
Absolutely. We already know that elephants and other endangered but attractive species need protection. Drones are already being deployed to protect them. Because drones can be both inexpensive and reasonably unobtrusive, drones may be both the most affordable and the most efficient tools. In addition to saving the lives of endangered animals,…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper wrote a new post 10 years, 6 months ago
There are many places in the world that governments, NGOs, or a combination have protected. Many people and organizations are working for more preserved lands. So imagine a future where some large amount of land – maybe 25% is protected.
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic SF and Climate Change in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 8 months ago
Kathryn — I’d LOVE to see climate change covered as a “big idea” major topic in a future edition of Hieroglyph. I think there is no more important topic today, and while it has become one of the backgrounds we often use in our fiction, it is only periodically the subject of our fiction. Kim Stanley Robinson covered it, of course.
Nancy Kress a…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic restoring the ocean's ecosystems in the Conversation Big Ideas 10 years, 10 months ago
I do a blog series called “Backing into Eden” which gets re-blogged at IEET and the World Future society. One of the things I came across in that research is no-fishing zones in California. These zones have helped to restore the surrounding ecosystems as well (the recovering species wander out of the protected zones). Here is a link: https:/…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic What are some interesting science fictional concepts in economics? in the Conversation Inspiration 11 years, 5 months ago
It’s not science fiction in the sense that it’s happening, but there are time banks operating in our area. I don’t participate but there are some people in town who are really excited about it.
I’m actually struggling with this in a book I’m working on now. I have a society that includes “Makers” who create new life…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Pete Worden on Inspiration in the Conversation Inspiration 11 years, 5 months ago
This is lovely. Thanks for posting it.
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Protecting protected land in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 7 months ago
Hi Vandana,
I’ve always thought that way. I think the Dr. Dolittle books may have actually been a catalyst when I was about 5. I’m becoming less and less certain that we’re going to get to anything like re-wilding, at least in a meaningful way, until after we get through the population peak in about 2050 and start down the other side (or get to…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Banning Agriculture in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 8 months ago
Hi Mary,
I watched that a few months ago and was quite astounded by it as well. I posted it to some of my friends and the consensus was that what he is doing is replicable is some ecosystems. I particularly liked it because it was a new way for me to look at things.
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic A Hotel in Antarctica in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 8 months ago
Hi Geoffrey,
I’d go. I’d love to visit Antarctica and experience true cold and real weather. I think you could do it.
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Protecting protected land in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 8 months ago
I think you have a point, and I hope we never get to trying to manage it all. I don’t think we’re smart enough for that yet. But I’ve spent all day working on a blog post (that goes up tomorrow) thinking about how to reduce elephant poaching. That is an example of a situation that needs intervention. I’d love to think that we can manage the…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic 8 huge infrastructure projects… in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 11 years, 8 months ago
I couldn’t agree more. In fact, just this morning I was watching a TED talk about connecting the brains of paralyzed people to exoskeletons that would let them walk by simply thinking about it, and I noticed the speaker actually referring to the project as a “moonshot” sized effort or something very similar. I think SpaceX is planning to go to…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Augmented Reality and Quantum Archeology – Resurrect dead loved ones? in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Saw your post over at the LifeBoat blog – nice job. For Heiroglyph readers who haven’t seen it,
Brenda Cooper started the topic Protecting protected land in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
There are many places in the world that governments, NGO’s, or a combination have protected. Many people and organizations are working for more preserved lands. So imagine a future where some large amount of land – maybe 25% is protected. After all, we’re farming vertically, right? But the protected land is under constant siege from people wanti…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic The Drone Commons in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
I like the idea of a separate physical network better than a secret one inside the common internet – it’s cooler, and physical separation adds a level of security. A separate commons would have to have a whole separate ecosystem, right? How separate do you think it would need to be? If I had an account for email in the separate network, I…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic The Drone Commons in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Yes. I actually suspect we have the government versions of these now. Surely our military forces have ways to communicate inside of China without being monitored.
I suspect that instead of laying a separate physical network (although I, too, love he visuals!) that a more likely scenario would be to build the commons in plain site, masquerading…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Lighter-than-air Bricks in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
Karl — I must say you always start the most interesting threads.
I was just at the Future in Review (FiRe) conference, which highlights a few startup companies each year. One of them for this year was Graphene Technologies, which has a way to convert Co2 to graphene.
I was pretty impressed with the…[Read more]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Augmented Reality and Quantum Archeology – Resurrect dead loved ones? in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
This was actually used in one of my favorite SF novels from last year – Blue Remembered Earth by Alistair Reynolds. He did a lovely job talking about it. It’s not particularly a spoiler — when this character […]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic So much engineering, so little biology… in the Conversation Big Ideas 11 years, 9 months ago
I think that part of it is the “Playing God” feeling that we get when we mess with biology. Of course, we do it all the time. Plant and animal breeding programs, new roses, GMO foods (some bad, many good). I’ve […]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic The "Extrovert Ideal" as drag on progress in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 11 years, 10 months ago
Neal…First – I love Susan’s book as well. I’m more of an extrovert but I manage a blended staff and it helped me greatly to see the power in my introverted staff and some of the mistaken ways we’ve been […]
Brenda Cooper replied to the topic Google's Mad Scientist Island in the Conversation The Moonshot Ecosystem 11 years, 10 months ago
We’re already seeing innovation happening so fast that we can’t keep up a cogent ethics conversation about it.
I’m more concerned that we are probably regulating some of the wrong things and not regulating some […]
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