Biographical information
Name | Bill Nash |
Biography | I’m from a small town in Arizona, the nerdiest stepson of an Ex-DOD technologist, and an avid pupil of Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, and others. I’ve spent the bulk of my career in technology, building and managing large Internet backbones or service provider networks. I’m also a photographer, enjoying my time out exploring the world and capturing the beauty that nature has to offer. Lately, I’ve been photographing a lot of stars. I’ve always been interested in space travel, and make a more than casual pursuit of a number of topics, including environmental issues, clean energy, aerospace, sociology, politics, and other foibles of human nature. As a boy, I wrote short stories, fanciful distractions from whatever I was supposed to be doing, like homework. Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, the assorted works of Herbert, Heinlein, Pohl, and others fueling my imaginary rocket ships. I’ve finally gotten back to my roots, and am writing hard sci-fi again, this time with a much deeper and broader scope of knowledge, finally having a handle on knowing what I don’t know, but an incredible array of resources with which to research. |
Previous Works | A handful of short stories, mostly post-apocalyptic, some fantasy. |
Website | |
Best known for | Landscape, cosplay, and convention event photography. |
Occupation | Network and Systems Engineer (Internet) |