Biographical information


Marco G. Casteleijn


My real name is Marinus, but my parents call me Marco from birth, so I am really Marco. I grew up in a small town in the Netherlands, and a good way to escape was to read. I have been writing short stories and poetry since high school and I will continue to do so. In addition, I have published several academic peer-reviewed articles in respectable journals. I am working on my lyric sequence “My Opaque Dreams” and a SciFi novel. I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on pharmaceutical proteins at the University of Helsinki; Finland where I reside with my heroic wife and three magical children.

Previous Works

William H.W. Smithe, Doug Metz, Marco G. Casteleijn, Nicholas Alan Baar , Jen R. , Giovanni Russano, Darryl Mouzone, Fergus Martin, Nicole H., Sonny Black. Scattered Voices: A Collection of Poems Shared by Strangers on the Internet. June 27, 2014. Rottinghorse publishing & CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st Edition ISBN-10: 1500142840 ISBN-13: 978-1500142841

Marco G. Casteleijn, Dominique Richardson. 2014. Engineering Cells and Proteins – creating pharmaceuticals. European Pharmaceutical Review, 19(4): 12-19.

Marco G. Casteleijn, Arto Urtti, Sanjay Sarkhel. 2013. Expression without boundaries: Cell-free protein synthesis in pharmaceutical research. Int J Pharmaceut, 440 (1): 39-47. Special issue: Therapeutic Proteins in Biomedicine

Kathleen Szeker, Olli Niemitalo, Marco G. Casteleijn, André H. Juffer, Peter Neubauer. 2011. High-temperature cultivation and 5‘ mRNA optimization are key factors for the efficient over-expression of thermostable Deinococcus geothermalis purine nucleoside phosphorylase in Escherichia coli. J Biotechnol. Dec 20;156(4):268-74. Epub 2011 Aug 19.

Mikko Salin, Evangelia G. Kapetaniou, Matti Vaismaa, Marja Lajunen, Marco G. Casteleijn, Peter Neubauer, Laurent Salmon and Rik K. Wierenga. 2010. Crystallographic binding studies with an engineered monomeric variant of triosephosphate isomerase. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. (66) 934–944.

Casteleijn, M.G. 2009. Towards new enzymes: protein engineering versus bioinformatic studies. (PhD thesis, Monograph). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis Technica, C 349, ISBN 978-951-42-6098-8/ISSN 0355-3213: University of Oulu, Department of Process and Environmental Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory, Finland.

Johanna Panula-Perälä, Juozas Siurkus, Antti Vasala, Robert Wilmanowski, Marco G. Casteleijn and Peter Neubauer. 2008. EnBase: Enzyme controlled glucose auto-delivery for high cell density cultivations in microplates and shake flasks. Microbial Cell Factories, Nov 18;7:31

Markus Alahutha, Mikko Salin, Marco G. Casteleijn, Christian Kemmer, Peter Neubauer, Rik K. Wierenga. 2008. Structure-based enzyme engineering efforts with an inactive monomeric TIM variant: the importance of a single point mutation for generating a competent active site. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 21: 257-266

Markus Alahuhta, Marco G. Casteleijn, Peter Neubauer, Rik K. Wierenga. 2008. The A178L mutation in the C-terminal hinge of the flexible loop-6 of dimeric and monomeric TIM favours the closed active site geometry. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. (64) 178–188.

Marco G. Casteleijn, Markus Alahuhta, Katrin Groebel, Ibrahim El-Sayed, Koen Augustyns, Anne-Marie Lambeir, Peter Neubauer, Rik K. Wierenga. 2006. The functional role of the conserved active site proline of triosephosphate isomerase. Biochemistry, 45 (51), 15483 – 15494.

Dion M.A.M. Luykx, Marco G. Casteleijn, Wim Jiskoot & Peter M.J.M. Jongen. 2004. Physicochemical studies on the stability of influenza haemagglutinin in vaccin bulk material. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 23 (1): 65-75.


Best known for

“I am the kind of person who is innovative. I bring new ideas to the table, either at the start of new projects or to solve a problem in a project or experiment. In addition, I like the writing process of projects; I am an excellent scientific writer who can write alone or in collaboration on reports, articles, posters, and grant applications. Finally, I find myself landing naturally into a coordinating role: seeking out active collaborations, activating and motivating members of the team, while keeping track of milestones.”


Researcher, Author

Story Ideas and Burning Questions

Story Ideas involve finishing a set of poems based on morals, love, science, faith, and philosophy at the moment. Also I am in a drabble war which evokes some imagery…

Burning questions I have plenty of, either in daily work, through actions of my children and the experiment of humanity in the overall experiment of life…