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Post-Scarcity Economy and United Earth future visions

Public Group active 6 years ago

This group is meant for people that, through positive sci-fi story telling, want to divulge and promote the ideas of a Post-Scarcity Economy and that of a United Earth. What do I mean by these concepts? Think of the economy of Star Trek, where money is not used any more and the main motivation for action is to better oneself and the rest of humanity.
Coming to our age there are social cultural movements such as The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement that have given a great depth of thought into the functioning of such a society.
This group is ultimately made to develop and popularize these ideals with the intention of having a real positive effect in the World.

Start HERE: First, educate yourself and learn about it

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  • #3355
    Manohar Sitapati

    Before we can start discussing on the stories about a Post-Scarcity future, and why that would also entail a United Earth, we must share a common vision. Below I’ll post some of the best resources to get up to speed with the discussion.

    Manohar Sitapati

    Paradise or Oblivion

    This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. This video presentation advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacque Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy.

    The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other “establishment” notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world’s people. It is not based on the opinions of the political and financial elite or on illusionary so-called democracies, but on maintaining a dynamic equilibrium with the planet that could ultimately provide abundance for all people.

    Paradise or Oblivion, by The Venus Project, introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to benefit human civilization. This alternative surpasses the need for a monetary-based, controlled, and scarcity-oriented environment, which we find ourselves in today.

    Manohar Sitapati

    Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview

    Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out.

    Weaving together insights and findings from biology, psychology, network science, systems science, business, culture and media, the film reveals the inner workings of the human experience in the 21st century, urging viewers to step out of the box and challenge their own assumptions about who we really are, and why we do what we do.

    Crossroads places evolutionary context to today’s escalating social unrest, natural disasters, and economic failures. It illuminates the footsteps of an integrated worldview, penetrating its way through the power of social networks to the forefront of our personal and collective awareness.

    A refreshing reality check for all viewers and a clarion call for those who carry the seeds of the emerging worldview.

    Scientists and thinkers featured in Crossroads include: Amit Goswami, Neale Donald Walsch, Elisabet Sahtouris, Bruce Lipton, Peter Joseph, Caroline A. Miller, Nicholas Christakis, James Fowler, Michael Laitman, Ervin Laszlo, Dean Radin, Dave Sherman, Annie Leonard, Jairon G. Cuesta, and John St. Augustine.

    Manohar Sitapati


    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which presents a case for a transition out of the current socioeconomic paradigm, the “monetary system,” to a new, sustainable social paradigm called a “Resource-Based Economy”. Through a series of interviews, presentations of statistics, and historical analysis, Joseph builds an argument that economists should focus on the “life ground” attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating from those immutable natural laws a new socioeconomic system, rather than the “money sequence of value,” which assigns value to monetary instruments independent of their relationship to natural laws.

    The documentary covers diverse issues ranging from human nature, nature vs nurture, genetics and epi-genetics, to social engineering, monetary policy, and macroeconomic policy on a global scale.

    Simultaneous with the documentary aspects of the film is a fictional narrative which attempts to dramatize the subjects being discussed, and which presents creative commentary on the current state of world affairs, and well as possible future scenarios.

    The film concludes with an illustration of a possible society based on the Resource- Based Economy, and a fictional narrative envisioning how such a system might emerge.

    Randall Hayes

    I recently did a column at IGMS laying out economics as a subset of the biological problem of engendering cooperation in members of the same species.  In a thousand words I didn’t have space to go into religion, but here’s how I actually think of it, more or less, following work by David Sloan Wilson and others.  Capitalism is an example of a religion, which is one social structure for promoting cooperation.  A shared language is another social structure that promotes cooperation in a different way.

    • Cooperation
      • Religion
        • Capitalism
      • Language


    An extension of that search for alternate ways of structuring society to maximize cooperation and minimize violence is this story about “the sharing economy.”  He takes an appropriately long view, comparing societal transitions.

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