Category: Books
Neuroplasticity, Neurobiology and the Brain
I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately into neuroplasticity and neurobiology, and some of the cool, freaky things that brains can do–and some of the tragic ones. Favorite weird brain facts/research angles/brain hacks, anyone?
Hacking the Human Mind
It seems to me that one of the great technological revolutions ongoing around us right now involved practical neurobiology–we’re getting more and more adept at understanding how brains work, in other words, and how to hack them.
Protecting Protected Land
There are many places in the world that governments, NGOs, or a combination have protected. Many people and organizations are working for more preserved lands. So imagine a future where some large amount of land – maybe 25% is protected.
Methane Burps in the Arctic and Climate Change
I’ve been following the rather ominous reports in the last few years of methane bubbling up from the Arctic ocean floor as the ocean warms.
Biomimicry and Eco-Friendly 3-D Printing
The reason why I say biomimicry is a movement rather than solely a new technological trend is that it appears to be informed by an ethos that seems to me at least to have a basis in ethics — that we learn from nature, and refrain from exploiting nature.
Many institutions have lasted multiple lifetimes—religions, cities, universities, militaries, a very few corporations—and often that was the intent, but these were not beginning-middle-end projects. What is so worth building that multiple generations would feel inspired to bear down on it for lifetimes? – Stewart Brand
The Future of Agriculture
The question is what synergistic technologies can we deploy to halt and then reverse the effect of human agriculture on the land? And, what would Earth look like if agriculture were offloaded, either to vertical farms or, in Gerard K. O’Neill’s vision, to orbital farms?
Urban Sustainability
I would like to see more green fiction. In some of the stories that I have attempted, the current “green” fad has matured into genuine policy level cultural priority and established business practice, as well as a staple concern of urban planning. How can we make our cities more sustainable? Make urban areas coexist with…
The Gadget and the Burn
Cory Doctorow shares an excerpt from “The Man Who Sold the Moon” on Medium.
What will it take to get us back to the Moon?
Jekan Thanga from ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, explains the science and politics behind Cory Doctorow’s new novella, “The Man Who Sold the Moon.”