HIEROGLYPH: Stories & Visions for a Better Future Comes out Today!
September 9, 2014 in Anthology, Community
September 9, 2014 in Anthology, Community
August 21, 2014 in Community
In preparation for our upcoming anthology, the Hieroglyph team has been working towards a new theme for the site. We have ambitious goals, and this weekend, we will launch the first phase of this process: a shiny new theme.
This first phase focuses on the experience for the general public. It includes a new layout and aesthetic, bonus material for each story and information about the authors of Hieroglyph: Stories & Visions for a Better Future. In addition, you can look forward to revised content architecture and navigation, and improved responsive functionality for mobile use.
As a web development team of one, I have worked very hard to make sure that the new theme is accessible and helpful for users. Hopefully I made it better. But there is still more to come.
Phase II focuses on the Hieroglyph community. Over the next three months, community members will see incremental changes to their profiles, forums and the working group environment. There will be updates aimed at improving user experience in specific areas. These changes are based on observed community behavior and direct feedback from individual users and stakeholders.
I appreciate your patience while I launch this new idea party pad. I will try to make it a transparent process as the changes take place. If you have questions or concerns, contact the Hieroglyph team. Dream big!
Nina Miller
Design Strategist
April 25, 2013 in Announcements
Lee Konstantinou has started a new thread about creating a decentralized, drone-based wireless internet commons that bypasses state and corporate control. Join the conversation about a shadow drone internet!
April 16, 2013 in Announcements
Bruce Sterling has started a new thread asking about the tall tower as a potential power source. Could it harness piezoelectric, solar, magnetic, or atmospheric energy? Get in on the conversation about dark lightning!
March 25, 2013 in Announcements, Hieroglyph
Greetings and welcome to the new Hieroglyph website! We’ve spent a lot of time building a new platform for this project that we hope will be responsive, elegant and easy to use. The site has both public and private areas so contributors can work in small groups or share their thoughts with the public, as they choose. Here are a few ways to learn more:
Feel free to get in touch with us, dive into an ongoing conversation or start a new one. Welcome aboard!
Ed Finn & Kathryn Cramer, Co-Editors
Returning Users
To log in with your existing username and/or email address, please follow this link to reset your password for the new site.
If you were active on the previous version of the Hieroglyph site, we are happy to let you know that we are transferring over all your content, including your user account (but it might take us a little while). You’ll notice that all usernames and contributions are preserved in the forums that we have moved over already. So if you contributed content before, it will still be associated with your username and email address.
New Users
If you are new to Hieroglyph, welcome! For the next few weeks Hieroglyph will remain invitation-only. If you would like to request access before we open up the site to public registration, please use the “Request an Invitation” button on the homepage.
May 20, 2012 in Announcements, Hieroglyph
We are hosting a weekend-long hard sf micro-convention at our bookstore in Westport, NY including some discussions relevant to Project Hieroglyph. https://www.facebook.com/events/440488539313010/
The program is below:
Gregory Benford, James Cambias, Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, Elizabeth Malartre
At the Dragon Press Bookstore,
10 Champlain Avenue,
Westport NY 12993,
(exit 31 off the northway, go east about four miles to the intersection of route 22 and 9N, turn north and we are immediately on the right, next to Ernie’s).
Friday May 25th 9pm
Meet and Greet social in the bookstore.
Saturday May 26:
11am noon Playing with the net up: Hard Science Fiction in the era of short attention spans, crowd-sourcing, and rapid obsolescence ( Greg Benford, James Cambias, Kathryn Cramer)
Noon-1pm (informal lunch break)
1pm Interview/discussion: Greg Benford interviews James Cambias
2pm Reading: Elizabeth Malartre
3pm-4:30 Technological optimism and pessimism; utopia and dystopia; happy endings & sad endings: what do these oppositions have to do with one another? Are they all the same thing? How are they different from one another? Group discussion.
4:45-5:30 Book signings and social time
5:30-8 Dinner break
8pm Reading: Kathryn Cramer
after 9pm: informal gathering
Sunday May 27:
11am-noon: David Hartwell interviews Gregory Benford
noon-1pm (informal lunch break)
1pm: James Cambias Reading
2pm-3:15 Invention in Science Fiction: SF is being recruited to play a more aggressive role in technological innovation. What are the opportunities and hazards of this trend? (Benford, Cambias, Cramer, Hartwell)
3:30 pm: Kathryn Cramer interviews Elizabeth Malartre
4:30 pm Greg Benford Reading
5:30-6:15 pm Book signings and social time
6:30-8:30pm Dinner break
after 8:45 informal gathering
April 21, 2012 in Announcements, Hieroglyph
We had the pleasure of announcing funding to some very cool projects last week in San Francisco; mostly biotech in this round ( https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2012/04/17/breakout-labs-a-new-model-for-funding-science-and-technology/ ).
Would love to see Hieroglyphers and friends propose new projects or otherwise get involved. The fund’s site is https://www.BreakoutLabs.org.
March 19, 2012 in Announcements, Hieroglyph
Ed asked me to track some recent press. From the April issue of <a href="http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Dear-Science-Fiction-Writers-Stop-Being-So-Pessimistic.html">Smithsonian Magazine</a>, and retweeted by Stephen Fry
Neal Stephenson has seen the future–and he doesn't like it. Today's science fiction, he argues, is fixated on nihilism and apocalyptic scenarios–think recent films such as The Road and TV series like "The Walking Dead." Gone are the hopeful visions prevalent in the mid-20th century. That's a problem, says Stephenson, author of modern sci-fi classics such as Snow Crash. He fears that no one will be inspired to build the next great space vessel or find a way to completely end dependence on fossil fuels when our stories about the future promise a shattered world. So, in fall 2011, Stephenson launched the Hieroglyph project to rally writers to infuse science fiction with the kind of optimism that could inspire a new generation to, as he puts it, "get big stuff done."
He got the idea at a futurist conference last year. After lamenting the slow pace of technological innovation, Stephenson was surprised when his audience leveled blame at sci-fi authors. "You're the ones who have been slacking off," said Michael Crow, president of Arizona State University and co-founder of the forward-looking think tank the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes.
To be sure, 20th-century sci-fi prefigured many of today's technologies, from smart phones to MRI scanners, as you can see if you spend 30 seconds on YouTube reviewing such "Star Trek" gadgets as communicators and tricorders. Yet Stephenson argues that sci-fi's greatest contribution is showing how new technologies function in a web of social and economic systemsâwhat authors call "worldbuilding."
Denise Caruso, a science policy researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, agrees that "science fiction helps [scientists] think about how the work they're doing might eventually turn out." It can even help them think about morality. Worldbuilding, she says, helps people anticipate how innovations might be used for good or ill in daily life.
Take Isaac Asimov's novels and short stories about robots coexisting with humans, most notably his 1950 anthology I, Robot. He wrestled with such weighty issues as whether artificial beings have legal rights and the unforeseen dilemmas that could result from programming robots with moral directives. Upon Asimov's death in 1992, the flagship journal of computer engineers credited him with demonstrating "the enormous potential of information technology" and highlighting the difficulties of maintaining "reliable control over semi-autonomous machines."
The Hieroglyph project's first concrete achievement will be a sci-fi anthology from William Morrow in 2014, full of new stories about scientists tackling big projects, from building supertowers to colonizing the moon. "We have one rule: no hackers, no hyperspace and no holocaust," Stephenson says. He and his collaborators want to avoid pessimistic thinking and magical technologies like the "hyperspace" engines common in movies like Star Wars. And, he adds, they're "trying to get away from the hackerly mentality of playing around with existing systems, versus trying to create new things."
Stephenson's greatest hope is that young engineers and scientists will absorb ideas from the stories and think, "If I start working on this right now, by the time I retire it might exist."
February 14, 2012 in Announcements, Hieroglyph
Neal Stephenson and Michael Crow both spoke recently at Solve for X, a conference organized by Googleâs X Lab (http://www.solveforx.com). Each of them addressed the Hieroglyph-Arizona State University partnership and the need for more "moon shot" thinking.
Neal's talk about the Tower project and Getting Big Stuff Done is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE0n_5qPmRM
You can see Michael's discussion of ASU as a "moon shot" factory and the proposed Center for Science and the Imagination here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iYXPPX24WY.