Elizabeth Bear started the topic 3D printing your diet in the forum
But what will we eat? 11 years, 10 months ago
What do you think of the possibility of 3D printing food? Food that was never grown nor raised, essentially, but assembled from molecules? A steak from HP!
I admit, I’m a little leery of its (healthful) […]
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about this one. We already sort of have it in the form of ‘liquid chicken’ which is mechanically deboned slop that gets formed into, eg. chicken Mcnuggets. The way I’m picturing it, though, you’d use the 3d printer more to add aesthetic touches to a base item, or even more interestingly, to add flavor experiences. For the most part, if we’re still growing food at all (and I can picture growing individual kernels of corn by the billion; why waste time and energy on the whole plant) then it can be supplemented with 3d printed adjuncts that include flavor bombs, textural experiences etc. As to printing it from base molecules… that’s probably not necessary, as plants are probably at least as efficient at making the molecules we need as any industrial process would be. Also, digestion is not all about molecules, there’s optimizations in the system for shapes, cohesiveness, roughage etc. that you might as well just use the original plant to provide.